Prunus serotina (black cherry), commonly known in Mexico as capulÃ?Ân, is used\nin Mexican traditional medicine for the treatment of cardiovascular, respiratory, and\ngastrointestinal diseases. Particularly, P. serotina seeds, consumed in Mexico as snacks, are\nused for treating cough. In the present study, nutritional and volatile analyses of black cherry\nseeds were carried out to determine their nutraceutical potential. Proximate analysis\nindicated that P. serotina raw and toasted seeds contain mostly fat, followed by protein,\nfiber, carbohydrates, and ash. The potassium content in black cherry raw and toasted seeds\nis high, and their protein digestibility-corrected amino acid scores suggest that they might\nrepresent a complementary source of proteins. Solid phase microextraction and gas\nchromatography/flame ionization detection/mass spectrometry analysis allowed identification of 59 and 99 volatile compounds in the raw and toasted seeds, respectively. The major volatile\ncompounds identified in raw and toasted seeds were 2,3-butanediol and benzaldehyde, which\ncontribute to the flavor and odor of the toasted seeds. Moreover, it has been previously\ndemonstrated that benzaldehyde possesses a significant vasodilator effect, therefore, the\npresence of this compound along with oleic, linoleic, and -eleostearic fatty acids indicate\nthat black cherry seeds consumption might have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system.