Despite multimodal treatment approaches, the prognosis of brain metastases\n(BM) from non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains poor. Untreated patients with\nBM have a median survival of about 1 month, with almost all patients dying from\n \n\n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n \n\n\n \n ! \nextracted from the seeds of the milk thistle. We present evidence of how the use of the\nsilibinin-based nutraceutical Legasil�®\n \n \n\n \n \n\nimprovement of BM from NSCLC patients with poor performance status that\nprogressed after whole brain radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The suppressive effects\nof silibinin on progressive BM, which involved a marked reduction of the peritumoral\nbrain edema, occurred without affecting the primary lung tumor outgrowth in NSCLC\npatients. Because BM patients have an impaired survival prognosis and are in need\nfor an immediate tumor control, the combination of brain radiotherapy with silibininbased\nnutraceuticals might not only alleviate BM edema but also prove local control\nand time for either classical chemotherapeutics with immunostimulatory effects\nor new immunotherapeutic agents such as checkpoint blockers to reveal their full\ntherapeutic potential in NSCLC BM patients. New studies aimed to illuminate the\nmechanistic aspects underlying the regulatory effects of silibinin on the cellular and\nmolecular pathobiology of BM might expedite the entry of new formulations of silibinin\ninto clinical testing for progressive BM from lung cancer patients.