Selecting and using an appropriate structural reliability method is critical for the success of structural reliability analysis\nand reliability-based design optimization. However, most of existing structural reliability methods are developed and\ndesigned for a single limit state function and few methods can be used to simultaneously handle multiple limit state functions\nin a structural system when the failure probability of each limit state function is of interest, for example, in a\nreliability-based design optimization loop. This article presents a new method for structural reliability analysis with multiple\nlimit state functions using support vector machine technique. A sole support vector machine surrogate model for all\nlimit state functions is constructed by a multi-input multi-output support vector machine algorithm. Furthermore, this\nmulti-input multi-output support vector machine surrogate model for all limit state functions is only trained from one\ndata set with one calculation process, instead of constructing a series of standard support vector machine models which\nhas one output only. Combining the multi-input multi-output support vector machine surrogate model with direct\nMonte Carlo simulation, the failure probability of the structural system as well as the failure probability of each limit state\nfunction corresponding to a failure mode in the structural system can be estimated. Two examples are used to demonstrate\nthe accuracy and efficiency of the presented method.