The detection and tracking of moving objects (DATMO) in an outdoor environment from a mobile robot are\r\ndifficult tasks because of the wide variety of dynamic objects. A reliable discrimination of mobile and static\r\ndetections without any prior knowledge is often conditioned by a good position estimation obtained using Global\r\nPositionning System/Differential Global Positioning System (GPS/DGPS), proprioceptive sensors, inertial sensors or\r\neven the use of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms. In this article a solution of the DATMO\r\nproblem is presented to perform this task using only a microwave radar sensor. Indeed, this sensor provides\r\nimages of the environment from which Doppler information can be extracted and interpreted in order to obtain\r\nnot only velocities of detected objects but also the robot�s own velocity.