It is important to accurately estimate rainfall for effective use of water resources and optimal planning of water structures. For this\r\npurpose, the models were developed to estimate rainfall in Isparta using the data-mining process. The different input combinations\r\nhaving 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-input parameters were tried using the rainfall values of Senirkent, Uluborlu, E?girdir, and Yalvac�¸ stations\r\nin Isparta. The most appropriate algorithm was determined as multilinear regression among the models developed with various\r\ndata-mining algorithms. The input parameters of Multilinear Regression model were the monthly rainfall values of Senirkent,\r\nUluborlu and E?girdir stations. The relative error of this model was calculated as 0.7%. It was shown that the data mining process\r\ncan be used in estimation of missing rainfall values.