According to the composition and the principle of the liquid-electric energy-\nsensing damper, the corresponding hydraulic regenerative model is designed.\nIn this paper, an advanced type of shock absorber combined with the\nmechanical and electromagnetic hydraulic structure has been proposed that\nrecycles the energy dissipated by shock absorber in the driving process. In\naddition, the damping characteristics of the conventional mechanical vehicle\nand the advanced hydraulic regenerative mechanical vehicle have been analyzed\nby using AMESim simulation. The regenerative suspension is reformed\nfrom the traditional hydraulic and pneumatic suspension. The suspension\nabsorbs kinetic energy converts it into hydraulic potential and pneumatic\npower to be stored in the accumulator. The kinetic energy is then converted\ninto electricity instead of heat by using the hydraulic suspension and Power-\nGenerating Shock Absorber (PGSA). The AMESim simulation results have\nefficiently verified the displacement characteristics curves and flow rate of\nhydraulic fluid in the body. Finally the conversion of energy produced by advanced\nhydraulic regenerative mechanical vehicle transferred into electrical\nenergy. The designed hydraulic shock absorber allows a significant fuel saving\nof 1.5% to 4% depending on the vehicle and driving conditions.