The Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) standards suite is based on multiple cooperating standards mainly\r\ndeveloped by the IEEE. In particular, we focus this paper on the core design aspects of DSRC which is called Wireless Access\r\nin Vehicular Environment (WAVE). WAVE is highlighted in IEEE 1609.1/.2/.3/.4. The DSRC and WAVE standards have been the\r\ncenter of major attention in both research and industrial communities. In 2008,WAVE standard was the third best seller standards\r\nin the history of the IEEE. This attention reflects the potential of WAVE to facilitate much of the vehicular safety applications.\r\nIn this paper we present a fairly detailed tutorial of the WAVE standards. We extend the paper by describing some of the lessons\r\nlearned from particular design approaches. We direct the reader to the landmark research papers in relevant topics. We alert the\r\nreader about major open research issues that might lead to future contribution to the WAVE design.