To solve the color distortion problem produced by the dark channel prior algorithm, an improved method for calculating\ntransmittance of all channels, respectively, was proposed in this paper. Based on the Beer-Lambert Law, the influence between\nthe frequency of the incident light and the transmittance was analyzed, and the ratios between each channel�s transmittance were\nderived. Then, in order to increase efficiency, the input image was resized to a smaller size before acquiring the refined transmittance\nwhich will be resized to the same size of original image. Finally, all the transmittances were obtained with the help of the proportion\nbetween each color channel, and then they were used to restore the defogging image. Experiments suggest that the improved\nalgorithm can produce amuchmore natural result image in comparison with original algorithm, whichmeans the problem of high\ncolor saturation was eliminated. What is more, the improved algorithm speeds up by four to nine times compared to the original\nalgorithm.