The minimax algorithm, also called the negamax algorithm, remains today the\r\nmost widely used search technique for two-player perfect-information games. However,\r\nminimaxing has been shown to be susceptible to game tree pathology, a paradoxical situation\r\nin which the accuracy of the search can decrease as the height of the tree increases. Alth�¨oferâ��s\r\nalternative minimax algorithm has been proven to be invulnerable to pathology. However,\r\nit has not been clear whether alpha-beta pruning, a crucial component of practical game\r\nprograms, could be applied in the context of Alh�¨oferâ��s algorithm. In this brief paper, we\r\nshow how alpha-beta pruning can be adapted to Alth�¨oferâ��s algorithm.