A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2016 to April 2017, to estimate the prevalence of major gross lung lesions\nin cattle slaughtered at Hawassa Municipal Abattoir, southern Ethiopia. A total of 563 male cattle were examined by antemortem\nexamination, while postmortem lung lesions were done using standard inspection procedures. Association between prevalence\nand the explanatory variables was estimated by way of chi-square/Fischer�s exact tests using statistical packages for social science\n(SPSS) software. Upon postmortem examination, 96.6% (544/563) of cattle examined had various gross lung lesions. The most\nimportant lesions identified were hydatidosis, emphysema, congestion, and atelectasis with prevalence of 45.3%, 19.2%, 18.1%, and\n6.4%, respectively. Based on origins of slaughtered animals, hydatid cyst, emphysema, and congestion were common in cattle that\ncame from Tula area with prevalence of 46.3%, 20.4%, and 20%, respectively. The animals from Arsi-negelle and Hawassa were\nmostly affected by hydatid cyst with prevalence of 44.4% and 42.5%, respectively. Statistically significant association (