Coronary artery disease (CAD) is characterized by narrowing or obstruction of flow in one or more of the vessels\nnourishing the heart. The study was conducted on a patient diagnosed with coronary artery disease who underwent\n3-vessel CABG in a university hospital. Study data was collected using data collection-assessment diagnostics\nand daily planning methods. The case was examined within the context of Majory Gordon�s FHP Nursing Care\nModel and nursing diagnoses approved by North America Nursing Diagnoses-NANDA. 65 year old female patient\npresented with NYHA Class 2 (New York Heart Association) Functional Classification dyspnea symptoms and\nchest pain that started nearly a month ago. The patients were diagnosed with coronary artery disease, and 3-vessel\nCABG operation was performed. Following operation, the case was monitored in cardiovascular surgery intensive\ncare unit (ICU) for 2 days, and she was transferred to the ward. The case was diagnosed with ineffective individual\nhealth management, disruption of oral mucous membrane, risk of blood sugar fluctuation, risk of electrolyte\nimbalance, constipation, activity intolerance, sleeplessness, sensory perceptual alteration; Auditory/Visual, death\nanxiety, body image disturbance, ineffective dealing, and ineffective role performance. Interventions were aimed\nat these diagnoses. With a planned and professional nursing care, the individual's biological, physiological,\npsychological and social problems after CABG operation were minimized. Her problems were dealt with the most\neffective way, and she was discharged from the cardiovascular surgery ICU.