Background: Occupational stress exists in every profession, nevertheless, the nursing profession appears to\nexperience more stress at work compared to other health care workers. Unmanaged stress leads to high levels\nof employee dissatisfaction, illness, absenteeism, high turnover, and decreased productivity that compromise\nprovision of quality service to clients. However, there is a scarcity of information about nursesâ�� job stress in\nJimma zone public hospital nurses.\nThe aim of the present study was to assess job related stress and its predictors among nurses working in Jimma\nZone public hospitals, South-West Ethiopia in 2014.\nMethod: An institution based cross sectional study was conducted from March 10 to April 10, 2014 through a\ncensus of nurses who are working in Jimma Zone public hospitals using a structured self-administered\nquestionnaire. SPSS Statistics Version 20 used. For the outcome variable: overall job related stress, the\nparticipantâ��s responses on each item score summed: a stress score ranging from a minimum of 26 and\nmaximum score of 116. The higher the sum the more the stressed the nurse. The level of stress calculated\nthrough tertial the lower to low stress, the middle to moderate & the higher to high stress. Moreover,\nbivariate and multivariable linear regressions done to see the association between the predictor (sex, age,\nmutual understanding at work, Job satisfaction and working unit/department) and the outcome variable\n(Job related stress).\nResults: A total of 341 nurses working in Jimma Zone public hospitals were given the questionnaire, and\nthe response rate was 92.3 % (315). This study indicated an average overall job related stress level of\n58.46 �± 12.62. The highest level of job related stress was on the sub scale of dealing with death & dying\nmean score of 62.94 % followed by uncertainty regarding patient treatment 57.72 % and workload 57.6 %.\nWhile job related stress from sexual harassment had the lowest mean score of 46.19 %.\nConclusion: Overall job related stress varies across working unit. Working in a chronic illness follow up clinic,\nthe mutual understanding at work between nurse & physician and job satisfaction were negatively associated\npredictors of job related stress.