From January 2016, nurses in Poland received new competencies for prescribing. The\nwork is the first in Poland to elaborate on the subject of nursesâ?? readiness to learn and develop in\nthe context of new nursing rights regarding autonomous prescription of medication and\ncontinuation of the prescription for medication. The aim of the study is to analyze the readiness of\nPolish nurses to learn and develop in the context of new competencies to write prescriptions. The\nresearch was conducted among 756 nurses. The standardized questionnaire (Readiness of\nEmployees for Learning and Development) was used. For all subscales of readiness for learning and\ndevelopment, average scores prevailed. The readiness to write prescriptions was significantly\nrelated to the level of openness to changes in the work environment (A1 scale), self-evaluation of\npast educational development (C5 scale) and educational and professional goals alignmentemployee\nand company (scale D2) and increasing the readiness of nurses to practice all of the\naforementioned agents, in particular medical devices. The readiness of nurses to learn and develop\nat all levels of the subscales was on an average level. Younger nurses, with a shorter seniority,\nhaving higher education and additional qualifications had a higher readiness to prescribe\nmedications and write prescriptions. The higher readiness for learning and development was\nmatched by a greater readiness to prescribe. The results obtained can be used to plan training and\ncourses, as well as to create special pro-development programs, which may increase the nursesâ??\ninvolvement in personal and professional development.