The paper deals with the use of vibro-compressed units with bio-natural components on\nconstruction. The proposed mix design of vibrated blocks consist of cork granules and/or hemp\nshives, with the aim to substitute polymeric elements or expanded clay, together with the use of\nnatural hydraulic lime (NHL) as binder. An experimental campaign is presented, with mechanical\ntests to evaluate the influence of each component on flexural and compression behavior. The proposal\nis also investigated from a productive point of view, considering how it can be harmonized in the\nproductive process of lightweight aggregate concrete units without modifications in the productive\nprocess. The tested elements could perform a certain reduction of the carbon impact, maintaining\ninteresting mechanical properties. The application of the proposed units in several contexts, as\nseparating elements joined with structural components, is considered to improve rehabilitation or to\nobtain higher performances in buildings.