Reinforced Baked Clay (RBC) seems to be potential alternative of Reinforced Cement Concrete\n(RCC) for construction of low cost houses. In order to utilize RBC as a construction material for\nbuildings, it is necessary to understand compression behaviour of baked clay. In this paper, relation\nbetween cube crushing strength and cylinder strength of baked clay is presented. For this\npurpose, clay beams were cast in a mould and compacted at a pressure of 6 MPa. The clay beams\nwere dried and fired in a kiln at a temperature of 900Ã?Å¡C. Cubes of 150 mm size were sawed from a\nbaked clay beam. Cylinders of 150 mm diameter and 300 mm height were cut, from another baked\nclay beam, using core cutter machine. Both the cubes and cylinders were tested for compressive\nstrength in Universal Testing Machine. The results showed that the cube crushing strength of\nbaked clay was 25 MPa and the ratio of the compressive strength of the cylinders and the cubes\nwas found to be 0.6. Suggestions for improvement of compressive strength of baked clay cylinders\nare also discussed.