The world of polymers is ever expanding and hence hunts for new effective polymers are always on. Abelmuschus esculentus a common vegetable used worldwide did raise eyebrows of many eminent people though not much was done in this regard. The aim was to investigate the excipient properties in its� mucilage. Binding, Disintegrating and bioadhesion were the properties studied. As the investigations proceeded the mucilage superseded our expectations and showed very good excipient properties. Coarse- fine ratio and hardness were the tools to evaluate binding efficacy whereas disintegration and dissolution studies were performed for disintegrant optimization. Modified Ranga Buri method and modified in vitro wash off test were carried out for bioadhesive analysis. All the results were statistically optimized by One Way ANOVA in Stat Plus 2007 software (Tukey HSD Test for Differences between Means) and conclusions drawn. 2%, 4% and 5% w/v concentrations showed very good disintegrating property, 3% w/v for binding action and above 6% w/v for bioadhesive action.