In this research work, the threshold voltage and subthreshold swing of cylindrical\nsurrounding double-gate (CSDG) MOSFET have been analyzed. These analyses are based on\nthe analytical solution of 2D Poisson equation using evanescent-mode analysis (EMA). This EMA\nprovides the better approach in solving the 2D Poisson equation by considering the oxide and Silicon\nregions as a two-dimensional problem, to produce physically consistent results with device simulation\nfor better device performance. Unlike other models such as polynomial exponential and parabolic\npotential approximation (PPA) which consider the oxide and silicon as one-dimensional problem.\nUsing the EMA, the 2D Poisson equation is decoupled into 1D Poisson equation which represent\nthe long channel potential and 2D Laplace equation describing the impacts of short channel effects\n(SCEs) in the channel potential. Furthermore, the derived channel potential close-form expression\nis extended to determine the threshold voltage and subthreshold behavior of the proposed CSDG\nMOSFET device. This model has been evaluated with various device parameters such as radii Silicon\nfilm thickness, gate oxide thickness, and the channel length to analyze the behavior of the short\nchannel effects in the proposed CSDG MOSFET. The accuracy of the derived expressions have been\nvalidated with the mathematical and numerical simulation.