This paper shows a digital noise generator designed in FPGA, based on a variant of the one-dimensional (1D) chaotic tent map\r\n(T-1D). The T-1D map is a piecewise linear 1D chaotic map that defines the statistical behavior of the generated sequences using\r\nits control parameter. In this way, the proposed noise generator is a highly competitive alternative in cryptographic systems when\r\nthe statistical behavior of the sequences is closer to the uniform statistical distribution. The proposed system uses the inverted\r\ntent chaotic map (IT-1D), which has the same statistical behavior as the T-1D map. The fundamental algorithm used in this\r\nsystem was developed based on a 64-bit double precision format according to the numerical representation of floating point\r\nnumbers defined in the IEEE-754 standard. The proposed system is analized using mechanical statistic tools and some statistical\r\ntests defined in the NIST 800-22SP (USA) standard. The main contribution of this work is the possibility of generating binary\r\nsequence of pseudorandom appearance by a procedure implemented in an FPGA device that translates real numbers to natural\r\nnumbers preserving the statistical properties of sequences of real numbers that can be generated with the tent chaotic map in its\r\noriginal definition domain.