Tinospora Cordifolia is also called as Guduchi or Amrita and it is an herbaceous vine of the family Menispermeaceae, found in the tropical areas of India, Myanmar and Sri-Lanka. The plant is a glabrous climbing shrub, typically growing in deciduous and dry forests. It is important Ayurvedic System of Medicine and potential medicinal properties reported by scientific research which includes antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-leprotic, anti-stress, anti-allergic, anticancer, antidiabetic, antioxidant, antispasmodic, antimalarial, immunomodulatory and haepatoprotective activity etc. It is presently called as miracle herb due to its properties of curing lot of diseases. The present investigation provides evidence that supports the ethanomedicinal properties of Tinospora Cordifolia in light of various researches.