Water is the most widely used substance, raw material or starting material in the production, processing and formulation of pharmaceutical products. These include contaminants that may represent hazards in themselves or that may be able to react with intended product substances, resulting in hazards to health. Different grades of water quality are required depending on the route of administration of the pharmaceutical products. Control of the quality of water throughout the production, storage and distribution processes, including microbiological and chemical quality, is a major concern. Therefore validation of pharmaceutical water system is a major pre-requisite for any organization as validation ensures the continuous performance of the same. The research work was performed to validate the Water System. The parameters recorded for the validation were based on phase-1, phase-2 and phase-3 studies and inculcated pH, ammonia, heavy metals, chlorides, sulphates, nitrates, oxidisable substances, residue on evaporation and pathogen content etc. The results were found to be within the standard specification range.