Alcohol consumption, at present, is ubiquitous and has been consistently increasing throughout the world. Alcohol is the world’s largest risk factor for many diseases and alcohol induced diseases is classified by ICD-10. Alcohol induced diseases are more prevalent throughout the world, causing approximately 3.3 million deaths every year (5.9% of all deaths) and 5.1% of the global burden of disease is attributable to alcohol consumption. The primary objective of the study is to assess the prevalence of alcohol induced disease and the secondary objective is to determine the various diseases attributed due to alcohol consumption. A prospective observational study was conducted in both inpatient and out patients' departments at a tertiary care hospital Ongole, Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh. A questionnaire was developed to collect the data. Among 927 patients 600 were included as they met the criteria. The prevalence of alcohol induced diseases 64.72%. Males are more prone than females. Among 600 patients, our study observed the individual disease prevalence as follows, 18.67% of gastritis, 11.67% of Cardiovascular diseases, Depression 10%, alcohol dependence syndrome 7.83%, lung diseases 5.33%, alcohol induced liver disease are 5.17%. Some of patients are reported comorbid conditions of 13.33%. The study concludes that there is a greater risk with alcohol consumption that the alcohol induced diseases are more prevalent in the population. Males are more prone to alcohol induced disease than females, moderate alcoholic people are more than heavy drinkers and they are at higher risk of alcohol induced diseases.