Stroke is a major public health challenge, which is a devastating and disabling disorder not only for neuropharmacology but the society in general. This study was conducted to describe and obtain the baseline data about the prevalence, complaints during admission, risk factors associated and prescribing pattern of drugs in stroke patients. A prospective cross sectional study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital over a period of six months. The pharmacological therapy prescribed was analyzed to determine the prescribing pattern of drugs in a total of 60 patients. It was observed that the prevalence of ischemic stroke (60%) was found to be greater as compared to that of the hemorrhagic stroke (40%). The incidence of stroke was estimated higher in males (69%) as compared to females (31%). The current prescribing trends were antiplatelets (13.23%), antacids (13%), dyslipidemic (13.52%), diuretics (15%), calcium channel blocker (5.03%), multivitamin (14%) and ACE inhibitors (3.97%). The prescribing pattern of drugs should be based on specificity and severity of stroke in order to facilitate rational use of drugs providing optimal care. Pharmacists are in a key position to provide pharmaceutical care to stroke survivors and initiate or recommend appropriate pharmacotherapy where indicated. Integration of a role of pharmacist in the management of stroke is crucial and improves outcomes of patients.