Polypharmacy is nothing but multiple use or administration of medications for therapeutic effect or unnecessary use of drugs. It is more frequent in elderly people who are suffering with chronic diseases. Problems related to polypharmacy is more related to older patients compared to younger people where the older people are at more risk for chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disorders, heart problems, arthritis etc. for multiple diseases these people are using multiple drugs for their symptomatic relief. Unnecessary use of drugs will affect the quality of life especially in older people and it is a major health issue affecting the patient in terms of quality and as well it will enhance the health expenditures. Now a day’s physicians plays a major role in prescribing too many medications for single disease condition and polypharmacy increases the risk of developing side effects, adverse effects and interactions and It is major problem existing in the health care system where the physician, clinical pharmacists and patients are all responsible for it. However it is a preventable problem by increasing the awareness among the patients and health care professionals by reducing the number of medications to be taken, reducing the doses, preventing the interactions and improving the patients quality of life and reducing the medication cost to the patient.