Emotional robots are always the focus of artificial intelligence (AI), and intelligent control of robot facial expression is a hot research\ntopic. This paper focuses on the design of humanoid robot head, which is divided into three steps to achieve.The first step is to solve\nthe uncanny valley about humanoid robot, to find and avoid the relationship between human being and robot; the second step is\nto solve the association between human face and robot head; compared with human being and robots, we analyze the similarities\nand differences and explore the same basis and mechanisms between robot and human analyzing the Facial Action Coding System\n(FACS), which guides us to achieve humanoid expressions. On the basis of the previous two steps, the third step is to construct\na robot head; through a series of experiments we test the robot head, which could show some humanoid expressions; through\nhuman-robot interaction, we find people are surprised by the robot head expression and feel happy.