For liquid transfer system in three-dimensional space, the use of multijoint robot arm provides much flexibility. To realize quick\npoint-to-point motion with minimal sloshing in such system, we propose an integrated framework of trajectory planning and\nsloshing suppression. The robot motion is decomposed into translational motion of the robot wrist and rotational motion of the\nrobot hand to ensure the upright orientation of the liquid container.The trajectory planning for the translational motion is based on\ncubic spline optimization with free via points that produces smooth trajectory in joint space while it still allows obstacle avoidance\nin task space. Input shaping technique is applied in the task space to suppress the motion induced sloshing, which is modeled as\nspherical pendulum with moving support. It has been found through simulations and experiments that the proposed approach is\neffective in generating quick motion with low amount of sloshing.