Design of an adaptive controller for complex dynamic systems is a big challenge faced by the researchers. In this paper, we introduce\r\na novel concept of dynamic pole motion (DPM) for the design of an error-based adaptive controller (E-BAC). The purpose of this\r\nnovel design approach is to make the system response reasonably fast with no overshoot, where the system may be time varying and\r\nnonlinear with only partially known dynamics. The E-BAC is implanted in a system as a nonlinear controller with two dominant\r\ndynamic parameters: the dynamic position feedback and the dynamic velocity feedback. For illustrating the strength of this new\r\napproach, in this paper we give an example of a flexible robot with nonlinear dynamics. In the design of this feedback adaptive\r\ncontroller, parameters of the controller are designed as a function of the system error. The position feedback Kp(e,t) and the velocity\r\nfeedback Kv(e,t) are continuously varying and formulated as a function of the system error e(t). This approach for formulating the\r\nadaptive controller yields a very fast response with no overshoot.