Many assistive robots for elderly and disabled people have been developed in the past few decades. However, very few of them\r\nbecame commercially available. The major cause of the problem is that the cost-benefit ratio and the risk-benefit ratio of them are\r\nnot good or not known.The evaluation of them should be done in the light of the impacts of assistive technologies on users� whole\r\nlife, both in short-term and long-term. In this paper, we propose a framework of evaluation and design of assistive robots using\r\nICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health). The goal of the framework is the realization of the life\r\ndesign and the improvement of the quality of life using assistive technologies. We describe the concept of utilizing ICF in the\r\ndevelopment process of assistive robots, and demonstrate its utility by using some examples of practical application such as the\r\nanalysis of daily living, the design of assistive robots and the evaluation of assistive robots.We also show the issues of using ICF for\r\nfurther development of the framework.