Emus belong to ratite group and have high economic value for their meat, eggs, oil, skin and feathers. Ratite birds have poorly developed wings and include emu, ostrich, rhea, cassowary and kiwi. Emu a large flightless hardy bird of Australian origin can survive in temperatures ranging from two degrees to fifty degrees Celsius. These birds can be well maintained on extensive (ranches) and semi intensive rearing systems with reasonably high fibrous diets. United State, Australia and China are leading in emu farming. Emu birds are well adapted to Indian climatic conditions. Although emu farming is considered to be high economical, we have to study the ethology of emus to increase the profitability by providing housing, feeding and breeding facilities more or less similar to that of in wild condition during their rearing in captivity and we will have to carry out comparative study of behaviour in captivity as well as in wild condition.