Application of Organophosphate Pesticides may result common occurrence of OP residues in food crops, natural water systems, soil and atmosphere, which will be the major sources of exposure. The study was conducted on 90 broiler chicks divided into six groups each containing 15 birds to assess the oxidative stress and immunosuppressive effects of Acephate induced toxicity and its amelioration with vitamin E for a period of 42 days and birds were slaughtered at 2nd, 4th and 6th week. The commercial product of Acephate was incorporated @ 85.2 mg/Kg and 170.4 mg/kg of feed and vitamin E was incorporated into diet @ 300 mg/kg feed. Tissue samples of liver and kidney were collected for studies on oxidative stress .\r\nAcephate treated groups resulted significant (P < 0.05) decrease in reduced GSH and increased in TBARS levels in liver and kidneys in toxic groups II and III. Ameliorating groups showed significant (P < 0.05) improvement in above parameters as compared to toxic groups. The present study indicated that Acephate at both the dose rates induced toxicity by generating free radicals in excess and by disturbing the antioxidant defenses. Administration of vitamin E alleviated the oxidative stress induced by Acephate due to its antioxidant property.