Pharmacology is the science of drugs and study of mechanism of action of drugs and lead compounds on the targets or target proteins or receptor molecules. Since ages, pharmacology and pharmaco-therapeutics have emerged and have been contributing to the health sciences and medical industry through its innovation and rigorous hard work in order to find innovative cure and treatment protocols, for the enhancement of the medical sciences and for the benefit of mankind. A newer concept has been coined, which is, “Regenerative Pharmacology”. The regenerative pharmacology is defined as the pharmacology using newer tools and technology in order to reconstruct the receptor targets and cells or organ components, in order to adjust with the newly developed lead compounds for the better outcome of therapeutics applied in order to cure or find solutions for the ever increasing complexity of the diseases and ailments among the human beings. The present letter to the editor has been written to keep in the interest of the scientists and healthcare practitioners across the world, to discuss and have a thought on this newly emerging field of medical science.