Dihydroartemisinin (DHA) has been shown to produce rapid treatment of uncomplicated and Plasmodium falciparum malaria. The effects if oral DHA on the Lungs of albino rats were investigated.Four dosage regimens of oral DHA were tested on adult albino rats for five days and seven days. One of these doses was tested twice on one of the experimental groups. The tested dosages were 1mg/kg; 2mg/kg; 60mg/kg and 80mg/kg. The 1mg/kg dose was repeated to the test group after a one week rest period as the fifth experiment.The histological tissue photomicrographs of the study showed that oral DHA produced dose; concentration and time dependent strong stimulation of the erythropoietic stem cells in the lungs of the DHA-treated rats which was absent in the photomicrographs of control rats. The findings of this study show that oral dihydroartemisinin has a first potential usefulness in blood expansion in anaemia and a second potential usefulness in cancer treatment of cancerous blood cell diseases (possibly leukaemia), as anti-cancer effects of dihydroartemisinin have been demonstrated in many studies.