Anti-ageing is a key area of new product development and has grown rapidly in the eye of customers. Ageing represents accumulation of changes in a human being over time which comprises of physical, psychological and social changes. Skin ageing is a biological process which is a combination of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Ageing is a natural phenomenon, with time we all get visible lines on our face. It is a natural process when our face lose its youthfulness and our skin becomes thinner and drier and this type of ageing is known as intrinsic ageing. The environment and lifestyle choices cause the skin to age prematurely and this type of ageing is known as extrinsic ageing. Skin health and beauty represents well-being of a human. Many anti-ageing strategies have come up which includes procedures like transfusion of plasma from young blood, enhancement of adult neurogenesis, antioxidant intake and stem cell therapy. There are many physiological changes occurring in the body while ageing and is said to be caused by the formation of free radicals. In aged skin the loss of collagen is considered to be the characteristic histological finding. The intrinsic factors contribute to wrinkles, sagging and pigmentation issues. Nanotechnology has played a crucial role in delivering active ingredients to the skin in both patch delivery and timed release application particularly in the area of cosmetics and anti-ageing.