Nowadays there is growing interest in evolving the distributed sensors concept from the more traditional one of enabling technology\nto monitor the surrounding physical environment towards Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) sensors and actuators, that is, as a suitable\ntool to measure/influence the cyber activity of possibly worldwide communities of users (e.g., any geotagged operation leaving a\ncyber footprint and any cyber physical incentive to stimulate activity as in crowdsensing). To leverage this novel perspective, we\npropose a framework to integrate at best multilayer CPS sensors and actuators as the basis for autonomic management operations on\nboth physical and cyber worlds. In this paper the specific application domain target is peer-to-peer content sharing based on social\nidentities and relationships, but we claim that the proposed CPS framework is of general applicability. In particular, our original\nmiddleware solution adopts CPS actuators to move users� content temporarily from smart home environments to high-performance\ncloud resources to minimize the access time of a dynamically selected quota of contents. Then, based on social network sensors and\nconnectivity/networking ones hosted at lightweight domestic Web servers, our CPS actuators can originally and dynamically move\ncontent back from the cloud to smart homes when appropriate, in order to both retain full ownership of user-generated content\nand reduce cloud hosting costs.