More than 10 significant outbreaks or epidemic viral breakout incidents occurred in the 21st century, including the continuing deadly coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) plague. Several pathogenic viruses have originated from animals or re-emerged in the past few decades, posing severe hazards to human health and the global financial system. Chikungunya vector-borne diseases, COVID-19, Dengue fever, Ebola, Lassa fever, Marburg hemorrhagic fevers, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Swine flu, WestNile fever, Zika and yellow fever examples of zoonotic diseases that have grown over the world and have had such a severe effect on the health that the scientific community has been urged to intervene quickly in screening and managing developing illnesses. Despite amazing advances in scientific understanding, the emergence of new/re-emerging fatal viral diseases has had a profound impact on humans. Emerging viral infections will continue to damage human safety because of world trade, transportation and ecosystem disturbance. Viruses from either zoonotic or vector-borne origins generate the majority of catastrophic risks.