The quantitative study was aimed to identify the effectiveness of structure teaching program on knowledge regarding Assertive communication and its benefits in Nurse patient relationship among nursing students in a selected Nursing college at Kollam district. The objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge regarding Assertive communication and its benefits in Nurse patient relationship among Nursing students in a selected Nursing college at Kollam district, to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding assertive communication, to find the association between pretest knowledge score regarding assertive communication and its benefits in Nurse patient relationship among Nursing students in a selected Nursing college at Kollam district. Purposive sampling technique was used. The research design was one group pretest posttest design. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used for collecting data. Pretest was administered followed by Structured Teaching Programme and posttest was done. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study findings show that in the pretest out of 45 subjects, 38% students had poor knowledge scores and 62% had average knowledge score in the pretest. After the structured teaching programme 2% students had poor knowledge scores, 33% had average knowledge score and 65% had good knowledge score regarding assertive communication. The computed "t' value of knowledge regarding assertive communication was 15.932 with 'p' value of 0.0001 The calculated 'p' value (0.0001) of knowledge regarding assertive communication and its benefits was less than 0.05, above mentioned that increasing in the score of knowledge regarding assertive communication and its benefits in nurse patient relationship as result of structured teaching programme is statistically significant at 0.05 level so null hypothesis (H01) is rejected and research hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Hence it can be concluded that there is significant difference in the knowledge level of nursing students regarding assertive communication in Nurse patient relationship.