Motivation is an important aspect in the life of each and every sportsperson. It plays a major role in enhancing physical performance in a sports event. This study postulates that intrinsic motivation is a major factor for encouraging sportsperson’s towards physical activities and enhancing sports performance. The review highlights a visual summary of the diverse stages of personal enthusiasm enlightened upon intrinsic motivation. The judicious use of the strategies accessible helps in warding off the constraints of motivation and eventually lead them to move beyond externally meticulous forms of motivation, to a self-determined and intrinsic motivation. This well tested concept suggests that personal competence and restraint are the indispensable foundations of intrinsic motivation. Fortunately, in present day scenario, there is a wide assortment of sports and physical activities available, which provides multiple options for self-chosen optimal challenges, that could facilitate all people to savor the sense of autonomy and mastery that underlines intrinsic motivation. By virtue of its very nature, most physical actions are intrinsically tempting because of their benefits to personal health, besides offering fun, excitement and thrills, which could result from participation in them. Studies comparing the effectiveness of various motivational techniques have provided confusing and contraindicatory results. However, the majority of the information on the topic tends to support the use of intrinsic motivation for enhancing the performance.