Cavitation in pumps causes destructive consequences; it must be detected and prevented. The aim\nof the present work is investigating the validity of sound spectrum as a prediction tool for pump\ncavitation. Results showed that; for the discrete frequencies of RF = 47.5 Hz, and BPF = 285 Hz and\nits second, third, and fourth harmonics of 570 Hz, 855 Hz, and 1140 Hz respectively; there are no\ngreat variations in the noise signal for the cavitation and non-cavitation conditions. For the discrete\nfrequency of 147 Hz, there is also no great variation in the noise signal at this frequency. The\nonly apparent result is that; the occurrence of cavitation results high energy noise signals at high\nfrequencies from 1000 Hz to 10000 Hz. The absence of any discrete frequency to be monitored\nmakes the sound spectrum not valid as a prediction tool for cavitation in the pumps.