The present study investigates that the study on Workplace Emotion Dimensions Of Employees’ In BSNL, Trichy SSA, Tamil Nadu Circle. Emotions can be managed through conscious practices. The present study was proposed to be conducted in BSNL Organization and it was identified necessary to study the workplace emotions dimensions of employees. The study was empirically conducted using a structured questionnaire dealing with various aspects of emotional patterns like Equanimity, Optimistic Compliance, Resigned Compliance, Diffidence, Doldrum, Mistrust, Shame-Guilt-Fear, Empathy Plasticity, Alienation, Perverted Cynicism, Outburst, Burnout, Emotional Hijack and Cognitive Dissonance . In this study, a total of 268 employees non-executives selected on a stratified random sampling method. The statistical tools applied for the research include Chi-square test, ANOVA, T-test, Correlation, Multiple Regression and Factor Analysis. From the results, dimensions of emotion are grouped under 6 components. Component-1 has the high influence on component-2 Vice-Versa and Component- 5 has the moderate influence with component-6. Rests of the components have the independence. Based on the research findings and personal observations, Special orientation programmes may be arranged for giving new exposure to higher bench mark standards. Such programmes may be in-house sessions but conducted by external field experts or behaviour interventionists.