To find various modalities involved in strategic thinking involved in Option and Future Trading as a tool in Finance Management. The sole purpose is to reinvestigate the various models involved in it. The primary data used for the study in mainly the analytical view used by the researcher and secondary data is various forms available such as Research articles, Books, Company records etc. The whole study is an analytical report of researcher to suggest now model of option and future trading. Researcher found that all the future terminology is very much important to analyze the future contract trade in the future market. These terminologies are based on NSE cash segment and a certain margin in paid is future segment. Researcher concludes that Hedging is basically done in option market and Derivatives is the best tool for hedging the position or risk. Purchaser is called as a call option that always hopes to stock the prices for growing up the indices. Purchaser of put option always hopes that stock price will go down and Strike price and expiration period plays important role in hedging. Fund manager use basically use index option to hedge their position.