Vehicles as transportation are popular and mainly use among peoples around the\nworld for various kind of purpose either personal or not. Over hundreds of year internal\ncombustion engines widely used because of high efficiency and low maintenance compare to\nnew technology which are using cells of battery. Nevertheless, emission cause of incomplete\ncombustion such engine misfire normally occurs as well. For instances, some mechanical,\nsensors or actuators failure and environmental condition contribute to the engine misfire. The\nimportance of engine misfire detection (EMD) is to ensure engine emissions not harmful to the\nenvironments and avoid damage of catalytic converter. By using low cost narrowband oxygen\nsensor to acquire air to fuel ratio (AFR) signal behavior under misfire condition and analyst by\ndigital signal processing method using Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm for Digital\nButterworth Filter designation is discussed in this paper.