This work aims to study and compare different range finders applied to altitude sensing on\na rotating wings UAV. The specific application is the altitude maintenance for the fluid deployment\nvalve aperture control in an unmanned pulverization aircraft used in precision agriculture.\nThe influence of a variety of parameters are analyzed, including the tolerance for crop inconsistencies,\ndensity variations and intrinsic factors to the process, such as the pulverization fluid interference in\nthe sensorâ??s readings, as well as their vulnerability to harsh conditions of the operation environment.\nFiltering and data extraction techniques were applied and analyzed in order to enhance the\nmeasurement reliability. As a result, a wide study was performed, enabling better decision making\nabout choosing the most appropriate sensor for each situation under analysis. The performed data\nanalysis was able to provide a reliable baseline to compare the sensors. With a baseline set, it was\npossible to counterweight the sensors errors and other factors such as the MSE for each environment\nto provide a summarized score of the sensors. The sensors which provided the best performance in\nthe used metrics and tested environment were Lightware SF11-C and LeddarTech M16.