The use of biofertilizers is important for sustainable agriculture, and the use of nodule\nbacteria and endophytic actinomycetes is an attractive way to enhance plant growth and yield.\nThis study tested the effects of a biofertilizer produced from Bradyrhizobium strains and\nStreptomyces griseoflavus on leguminous, cereal, and vegetable crops. Nitrogen fixation was\nmeasured using the acetylene reduction assay. Under N-limited or N-supplemented conditions,\nthe biofertilizer significantly promoted the shoot and root growth of mung bean, cowpea, and\nsoybean compared with the control. Therefore, the biofertilizer used in this study was effective in\nmung bean, cowpea, and soybean regardless of N application. In this study, significant increments\nin plant growth, nodulation, nitrogen fixation, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK)\nuptake, and seed yield were found in mung beans and soybeans. Therefore, Bradyrhizobium\njaponicum SAY3-7 plus Bradyrhizobium elkanii BLY3-8 and Streptomyces griseoflavus are effective\nbacteria that can be used together as biofertilizer for the production of economically important\nleguminous crops, especially soybean and mung bean. The biofertilizer produced from\nBradyrhizobium and S. griseoflavus P4 will be useful for both soybean and mung bean production.