Optimizing irrigation frequency and intra row spacing for specific environment\nis one the major agronomic practices to improve productivity of haricot\nbean. Hence, a field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of irrigation\nfrequency and intra row spacing on growth, nodulation and agronomic\nperformance of haricot bean at Arba Minch during dry season of 2018/19.\nThe treatments consisted of three levels of irrigation frequency based on\nIW/CPE ratio (0.5, 0.67 and 1.0) with irrigation depth of 60 mm and three\nintra row spacing (6, 10 and 14 cm) which were factorially arranged in split\nplot design with three replications. Data were collected on phenological, nodulation,\ngrowth, yield and yield related parameters of the crop. The measured\nparameters were subjected to analysis of variance using SAS software\nversion 9.0. Among the measured parameters, plant height, pod number per\nplant, dry matter and seed yield were significantly influenced by interaction\neffect of the treatments. The maximum seed yield.............