Impact of physicochemical parameters on\nphytoplankton compositions and abundances in Selameko\nReservoir, Debre Tabor, South Gondar from August 2009\nto May 2010 was assessed. Water quality parameters, such\nas temperature, water transparency, water depth, dissolved\noxygen, pH, total dissolved solids, phosphate, nitrate, and\nsilicate were measured in situ from two sites (littoral and\nopen water zone) of the reservoir. Phytoplankton compositions\nand abundances were analyzed in Tana fisheries and\nother aquatic organisms� research center. ANOVA result of\nthe physicochemical parameters included chlorophyll-a\nshowed the presence of significance difference among\nseasons and between sites (P\\0.05). A total of seven\nfamilies, 36 genera from three groups (Diatom, Blue green\nalgae and Green algae) of phytoplankton were identified\nduring the study period. From all groups, diatoms were the\nmost abundant at both sites and Blue green algae were the\nleast abundant. ANOVA of all phytoplankton showed\nhighly significant difference among seasons and between\nsites (P\\0.05). ANOVA of all phytoplankton showed\nhighly significant difference among seasons and between\nsites (P\\0.05). Based on the stepwise regression, a total\nnumber of phytoplanktons had positive correlation with\nsome of the physicochemical parameters (R2 = 0.99,\nP\\0.001, N = 16). The study concluded that some of\nphysicochemical parameters (NO3-N and PO4-P) indicated\nthe presence of reservoir water pollution. This is supported\nby the presence of pollution-resistant phytoplankton species\nsuch as Melosira and Microcystis. The reservoir water\nwas eutrophic (productive) throughout the year. To avoid\nsuch pollution, basin and reservoir management are\nrecommended.