Currently an international topicââ?¬â?not only among the members of the European Unionââ?¬â?is\nthe use of renewable energy, such as hydro power. The subject of this paper is the environmental\nimpact assessment of the small hydropower (SHP) plant. The paper identifies the environmental\nimpacts of an SHP plant in SpiÃ?¡skÃ?© BystrÃ?©, Slovakia. It also assesses the alternatives to a specific\nhydraulic structure by quantitative evaluation from the point of view of character of the impacts,\ntheir significance, and their duration. The conclusion of the work includes the selection of the optimal\nalternative of the assessed construction and proposes measurements to reduce the negative impacts.\nThe benefit of this paper is in highlighting the importance of assessing the impact of construction\non the environment in the planning phase. Eliminating the negative impacts of the construction on\nthe environment is much more challenging than the implementation of preventive measures, and it\nis therefore necessary to assess at the planning phase how the construction and operation of the\nproposed activities impact the environment.