The study area forms the part of the Southern Granulitic Terrain of the Madurai block in India. It is represented by charnockites and gneissic rocks. The economic importance and its massive nature of the rock brought name and fame to the locality all over the world. A term massive is used here in a textural sense in reference to homogeneous structure without preferred crystal orientation or stratification. This is a common feature among anorthosites in massif type complexes. The study area is chiefly composed of metamorphic and igneous formations. They are older and younger gneissic formation, Granitic intrusions and pegmatitic intrusions beside the anorthosite and related rocks. The anorthosite complex is a large anorthosite – gabbro mass emplaced in the core of a regional antiform which occupies the Kadavur basin. This is surrounded in all sides by thick supracrustal hills of quartzites interbanded with quartzo – feldspathic gneisses. The contact between the metasedimentary quartzites and the anorthosites and related rocks exhibits intrusive nature of emplacement.