Aim of the present study is to locate the landslide susceptibility zone. Detailed Rainfall, Drainage, Drainage density, Soil, Lineament, Lineament density, geology, landuse/landcover and Slope assessment were carried out to assess the landslide hazard zonation. The rainfall variations in winter, summer, Southwest Monsoon and Northeast Monsoon for ten years data interpretation was carried out. The rainfall data for the period of 2002 to 2011 were collected from the Statistical Department wing (PWD) Govt. of Tamil Nadu and assessed for the said seasons. These results were taken into GIS platform to prepare the spatial distribution maps. Winter, Summer, Southwest and Northeast monsoon seasons, spatial distribution maps result reveals that 903.58 km2, 840.99 km2, 894.99 km2 and 889.17 km2 area falls in high rainfall received shadow zone respectively. Detailed stream networks were traced from the Survey of India toposheet. It covers 321.06 km length and the stream networks were given stream number. It shows that first, second and third order stream covers 318.6 km large length. The spot heights (Number) were traced and digitized. Slope map was prepared using the spot heights. Integration analysis was carried with drainage buffered zone map over the slope angle map and over individual season wise rainfall spatial distribution map. Weightage were assigned to prepare the landslide hazard zonation map.