Flood is a recurring event that leads to hazards. The probability of a flood occurring is normally\ninvestigated followed by flood hazard mapping which defines the areas that are at risk of flood inundation.\nThis study carries out flood hazard assessment for the flood prone areas within the low-lying flat river\nvalley of the River Dep watershed using Remote Sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) for\n2-year to 1000-year return periods, with regards to inhabited areas and other land uses that will be affected.\nResult shows that the most affected land use within the floodplain is agriculture with inundated area\nranging from 68.82 to 146.10 km2. Low to medium flood hazards predominant dominate the floodplain with\narea extent increasing from 112.2 to 140.75 km2 for low hazard and 35.65 to 163.65 km2 for medium hazard.\nHigh hazard is mainly within the deep part of the floodplain with minimal area extent of 4.11 km2. The study\nrecommends low hazard areas to be used for irrigation farming and early rainy season farming, medium and\nhigh hazard areas for irrigation farming only while low, medium and high hazard areas for the 100-year flood\nshould be avoided with respect to construction of residential or commercial structures. Generally areas\nclose to rivers should be avoided for rainy season farming and residential or commercial development.