The effectiveness and productivity of an organization depends on its staff and if they don�t be\r\nsatisfied from their job, continues of living for such organization is impossible. One of the\r\nimportant factors which influence on job satisfaction, is an organizational learning capability\r\n(OLC). So, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between organizational\r\nlearning capability and its dimensions (experimentation, risk taking, interaction with the\r\nexternal environment, dialogue and participative decision making) with job satisfaction. The\r\npopulation of this study was the employees of Tejarat Bank in Sari city, Iran and the sample\r\nnumber became 103. The data of job satisfaction gathered by a single item of Chiva and\r\nAlegre�s (2008)questionnaire and for gathering the data of organizational learning capability,\r\nwe used Chiva et al.�s (2007) OLC measurement instrument. For testing and analyzing the\r\nhypotheses, pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression have been used.\r\nThe results of study show that there is a positive relationship between organizational learning\r\ncapability with job satisfaction. Furthermore, the results revealed the five dimensions of\r\norganizational learning capability (experimentation, risk taking, interaction with the external\r\nenvironment, dialogue and participative decision making) had positive relationship with job\r\nsatisfaction.