The aim of the exploratory study was to gain an understanding of the key uses and features from those who use project management software to better understand user benefits which in turn aids in choosing advertising language for specific target audience segments for better targeted marketing campaigns. In addition to a literature review, the exploratory research in this study was conducted via an online survey which was distributed via social media and direct messages to organizations working in project management. The findings and understanding gained from this paper contribute to the overall understanding of management software consumer habits and benefits sought, which can then be used in strategic marketing campaigns in terms of advertising copy language or in the selection of targeted marketing channels to improve the delivery of a message to the intended audiences. Project managers in this study stated that they want to see why they should use a particular software and what benefits they would gain by using it as compared to current project management software offerings and work methods. Interestingly, it was found that none of those that responded went to trade shows or have a relationship with their project management software company representatives. The literature review and survey results suggest that it is essential for project management software companies to explain how the software can be utilized for various purposes by multiple and different types of customers and, thus, it is very important for those creating software to do market analysis, or understand their target market, so they’re able to reach them effectively which means understanding the key benefits customers seek and use these in targeted advertising campaigns. The larger impacts of the findings would be on the efficiency of marketing campaign planning for employees in software development, as well as those working in advertising.